Customs Dispute Resolution

Internal resolution

If an importer or exporter does not agree with the decision of a Customs officer, they should firstly approach that officer’s immediate supervisors in order to clarify the decision in question and resolve any uncertainties. Should the matter not be resolved in this way, depending on the dispute ABC kings can help importers and exporters apply for tariff determination, value determination or origin determination.

Click here to view a work sample of our motivated appeal for a tariff determination.

Administrative appeals

In cases where importers and exporters are not satisfied with any decision taken by officers in terms of the Customs and Excise Act, they have a right of appeal to the relevant appeal committee. Appeals must be lodged within 30 days of the importer or exporter being notified of the decision.

ABC kings have the expertise, skill and experience to help importers and exporters with the Internal Administrative Appeal (IAA) process.

Alternative dispute resolution

In addition to the Internal Administrative Appeals (IAA) process, provision has also been made for an Alternative Dispute Resolution Process, which can be used as recourse against a final decision made under the Internal Administrative Appeals Process or as an alternative to litigation.

ABC kings have the expertise, skill and experience to help importers and exporters with the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process.

If you would like assistance with Customs Disputes, click here to contact us.